About the EMBD
The EMBD is a limited liability company under the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. It was formed in August 2002. Its line Ministry is the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries with the line Minister, Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat. The company is governed by a Chairman and Board of Directors. As the Government moves to make land development and land management more efficient and productive, the mandate of the EMBD has been gradually expanding to cater to this objective.
Presently, the EMBD is developing thirty-two (32) residential sites, of which twenty-six (26) sites will be allocated to Caroni 1975 Limited’s VSEP employees.
Through a Cabinet decision taken in May 2008, the EMBD has the responsibility for the development and distribution of all State Agricultural lands. These lands are to be transferred to the EMBD via head leases. The EMBD will thereafter issue sub-leases to farmers and other agencies in accordance with government’s policies. The EMBD will also treat with the leases for two-acre agricultural parcels, which are being developed for Caroni 1975 VSEP employees.
As far as possible the EMBD will also ensure that policies to facilitate sustainable land use and its resources are adhered to, towards food security for the nation.